What are People Saying about Us?
Summer Camp
It was awesome!!
Super fun!
It's a great place to make friends and be on a team. You all learn together about your faith.
My daughter felt safe, loved, seen, and heard. Thank you for showing her the love of Christ.
I found the staff was amazing and very welcoming!
I want to go back next year!
I love 5 Pines because of the sleepover, Bible, art, archery, swimming, and nature.
Very fun, exciting, and helpful
Happy that we have a camp that is close where they partner with my family to help kid my kids excited about God! They get to see counselors who are fired about about Jesus! Helps them! Loved that I could take my 1, 3, 5 grader this year at the same time.

Join our summer team for a local mission trip. You will answer personal faith questions and develop a deeper relationship with God, practice direct ministry with children and younger peers, and add real world employment experience to your resume.
Expect to...
Grow in relationship with Christ.
Have fun and be an incessant purveyor of fun for campers.
Make new friends and forge lifelong friendships.
Practice sharing your faith with younger peers.
Be a role model for younger local peers in our community.
Develop interpersonal skills in an awesome place.
Experience, learn, and practice skills through direct experience being a part of a professional team.
Begin forming leadership traits.
Document completed volunteer hour requirements.
Develop work experience and likely a positive reference for future work.
Summer Camp Counselor Experience
MAX Programs
The team-building was wonderful for students to see leadership in action.
Some students who were not looked at as leaders provided good ideas groups used.
I know all my students had fun. Many of them told me that they want to come back with their parents.
The physical challenges that were a bit awkward for the students as individuals but also required teamwork and trust... those exercises were especially helpful. Students had to trust each other because they couldn't do it alone. They felt accepted by the group. They were a valued member of the team, and together they shared in the victory when they successfully completed the mission.

Guest Retreats
We appreciated the check-ins from staff, but also the freedom to plan and do our own activities.
Highly recommend to anyone!
Our team has never had the opportunity to stay all together like this camp allowed. It completely blew our minds! The power of bringing everyone together to make these memories together was priceless for our team building!